
What is the difference between brain and consciousness? Andrey Kurpatov on QWERTY

Is it possible to change the thinking, the brain, by changing consciousness, what is consciousness from a scientific point of view, and what do milk, cows and our thoughts and actions have in common?

The brain is defined as the physical and biological matter contained within the skull and responsible for basic electrochemical neural processes.

From the point of view of modern science, the brain is the most complex neural network that produces and processes a huge number of logically connected electrochemical impulses, and the inner world of a person, including his mind, is the product of this work.

In the modern scientific community, the view that the mind is a product of the brain is the main one. Supporters of artificial intelligence also believe that the mind of a computer is similar, algorithmic.

The points of view – the generation of the mind by the brain and the computer-likeness of the mind – are not necessarily compatible with each other. The parameters that form distinctive features of the mind include: the volume of working memory, the ability to predict, cannon activity, logic, a multi-level (6 layers of neurons) hierarchy of systematic selection of valuable information, consciousness, memory.

There are different opinions about the interpenetration of the brain and concepts such as consciousness, mind, mind, mind, spirit, soul, memory, some even suggest that the mind exists in some way independent of the brain or is related to paraphenomena.

In the philosophy of consciousness, the concepts of mind and brain differ and there is a “psychophysical problem”, the main subject of which is the question of the relationship between mental states (thoughts, desires, feelings, etc.) and physical states of the brain.

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