
Why learn languages ​​/ foreign language, life hack

Do you remember the story with the statement of the State Duma that the study of foreign languages ​​is a “threat to traditions”, and the ADE in a foreign language and the second foreign language in the school curriculum in general will raise our children to be citizens of an unclear country?

We were surprised to learn that many people agree with this opinion and consider it correct…

Yes, the hairs on our arms were raised by this, but… without entering into a controversy, let’s try to find out what the study of foreign languages ​​gives a person.

1. Several languages ​​provide several pictures of the world.

2. Breadth of thinking.

3. Brain development.

And remember, depriving a person of access to learning a foreign language, especially in childhood, is like depriving him of movement or color vision. This stupid violent impoverishment of spiritual development, not motivated by anything. It will be very sad if these ideas win.

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