
What is Google Assistant and how to disable it on Android

Tech giant Google is keeping up with its arch rival Apple and its smart Siri. Google has Assistant. It allows you to work with various functions of the mobile device without interacting with the screen. For example, “Assistant” will open an application, find information on the Internet, type text for you. But there are at least two reasons to give up Google’s help. Now we will understand why.

Economy of resources

Like any mobile program, “Assistant” can take some power and memory. On weak gadgets, the Assistant will brake.

With it, the cost of food increases. If the smartphone model does not have a typical battery capacity, and the charge is really needed here and now, “Assistant” should be deactivated.

Personal safety

Google does not hesitate to admit that voice search history is stored and analyzed. Officially, this behavior of the company is justified by a more accurate selection of advertisements of the user’s preferences, optimization of search engine results and recommendations.

Also, many users have their own individual beliefs that information about them is necessary for other purposes. Google Assistant may turn on suddenly. And using a device that is compared to “one big ear” or “digital brain” is not comfortable for many.

How to turn off Google Assistant

Through the account

  • Go to the Google app, select “More”.

  • In the opened settings, look for the Google Assistant column.
  • In “General settings”, the “Assistant” slider is moved to the inactive position.

Disabling Google Assistant via voice command

  • Go to the usual phone settings and find “Applications” there.
  • Looking for a list of software loaded by default.
  • The “Voice Assistant” item has a “No” button. We choose her.
  • If the Assistant is successfully disabled, it will not respond to the command “Okay, Google”.

Important: the given names of settings and items are used on pure Android. The shells of manufacturers of mobile equipment may differ somewhat. But the meaning remains general.

More ways to disable Assistant

We are talking about the “Home” button in the phone. What steps to take:

  • In the usual settings, the item “Advanced settings” is selected, then “Button functions” / “Gestures and buttons”.
  • Opposite the “Start Google Assistant” column, select the “No” button.

Also, in your gadget, you can see an item about launching the “Assistant” through the power button. The slider next to it should be set to inactive.Share the link:

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