
"I can see everything from above, you know that..."

In the Turkestan region, raids and preventive measures aimed at preventing road accidents are carried out. For example, on the Saryagash-Zhybek zholy track of republican importance, the Saryagash district policemen carried out work using a robot from their leg.

“The attention of the video cameras of the robot launched from its leg into the air was attracted by car drivers who grossly violated traffic rules and drove into the oncoming traffic lane. Over the course of a day, guards discovered 22 traffic violators and brought them to justice. In relation to the violators, administrative reports were drawn up under Part 2 of Art. 596 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Violation of the rules for placing a vehicle on the carriageway, oncoming intersection or overtaking”. In total, the drivers were fined more than 1 million tenge,” the press service of the Turkestan regional state said.

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