
Today's world and employees need quantum computing more than ever

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Quantum computing may soon be able to tackle many of the world’s most difficult and pressing problems.

That’s why the semiconductor legislation Congress just passed is part of a $280 billion package that will, among other things, lead federal research dollars towards quantum computing.

Quantum computing will soon be able to:

  • Save businesses fuel and reduce carbon footprint by enabling optimal routes.
  • Lead to advances in materials science that allow owners to purchase and install highly efficient equipment solar cells to power their homes. This is valuable as extreme heat across the planet is driving record power consumption and overloading power grids.
  • Increase the accuracy of credit risk analysis, giving lenders additional confidence to lend money to underserved populations.

Solving the unsolvable

The economy and the environment are clearly two main items on the federal government’s agenda. In July, Congress was about to pass the most ambitious climate bill in US history. The New York Times He said the bill would “inject hundreds of billions of dollars into low-carbon energy technologies, such as wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicles, and put the United States on track to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.” greenhouse to about 40% below 2005 levels by 2030.” This could help further advance and accelerate the adoption of quantum computing.


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Because quantum technology can solve many previously intractable problems, a long list of the world’s leading companies, including BMW Y Volkswagen, FedEx, MasterCard Y fargo wellsand Merck and Roche — are making significant quantum investments. These companies understand that transformation through quantum computing, which is advancing rapidly with innovative technologies, coming soon. They want to be ready when that happens.

Companies are well advised to invest in quantum computing because the risk is low and the reward will be huge. U.S BCG notes: “No one can afford to sit on the sidelines as this transformative technology accelerates toward several critical milestones.”

The reality is that quantum computing is coming and probably won’t be a stand-alone technology. It will be linked to the rest of the IT infrastructure: supercomputers, CPUs, and GPUs.

That’s why companies like Hewlett Packard Enterprise are thinking about how to integrate quantum computing into the fabric of IT infrastructure. This is also why Terra Quantum AG is building hybrid data centers that combine the power of quantum and classical computing.

Preparing for the quantum computing revolution

In the midst of these changes, employees must start preparing now. There will be a tidal wave of need for both quantum PhDs and other talent, such as qualified quantum software developers, to contribute to quantum efforts.

Earning a Ph.D. in a field relevant to quantum computing requires a multi-year commitment. But gaining valuable quantum computing skills doesn’t require a developer to go back to college, take out a student loan, or spend years studying.

With modern tools that abstract the complexity of quantum software and circuit building, developers no longer require doctorate-level knowledge to contribute to the quantum revolution, enabling a more diverse workforce to help companies gain an advantage. quantum. just look at the winners in the coding contest that my company staged. Some of these winners were recent high school graduates and delivered highly innovative solutions.

Leading the software stack, quantum algorithm design platforms allow developers to design sophisticated quantum circuits that could not be created otherwise. Instead of defining tedious low-level gate connections, this approach uses high-level functional models and automatically searches millions of circuit configurations to find an implementation that fits resource considerations, designer-provided constraints, and platform. target hardware. New tools like Nvidia’s QODA also empower developers by making quantum programming similar to how classical programming is done.

Developers will want to familiarize themselves with quantum computing, which will be an integral arrow in their metaphorical quiver of engineering skills. People who add quantum skills to their classic programming and data center skills will position themselves to make more money and be more attractive to employers in the long run.

Many companies and countries are experimenting with and adopting quantum computing. understand that quantum computing is rapidly evolving and it is the way of the future.

Whether you’re a business leader or a developer, it’s important to understand that quantum computing is advancing. The train is leaving the station. Will you be on board?

Erik Garcell is technical marketing manager at classic.

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